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About the unjustified imprisonment and abuse of the Kononovich brothers by the Ukrainian government

The KKE raised in the Greek Parliament the issue of the unjustified arrest, imprisonment, and abuse of the First Secretary of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his brother, Aleksander, by the Ukrainian government, in the form of a Question to the Foreign Minister
The full Question signed by the KKE MPs Giorgos Marinos, Nikos Papanastasis, and Thanasis Pafilis reads as follows:
“In early March 2022, the Ukrainian government proceeded with the unjustified arrest, imprisonment, and abuse of the First Secretary of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his brother, Aleksander. Their lives are under threat.
This unacceptable and provocative action is a continuation of the policy of repression and anti-communism by the Ukrainian governments, which banned the communist ideology and the Communist Party of Ukraine in 2014, following the US-NATO-EU imperialist intervention in the country, persecuting the Communists and other militants who oppose the anti-popular policy.
At the same time, fascist, neo-Nazi gangs —such as the Azov Battalion— that have committed and continue to commit heinous crimes, are acting under the responsibility of the Ukrainian government as part of the Ukrainian army, police, and other state structures against the people of the country.
These events highlight the enormous responsibilities born by the President of Ukraine, V. Zelenskiy, who is invited by the Greek government to address the Parliament on 7 April.
The Minister is asked: What is the position of the government on the unjustified imprisonment and abuse of the First Secretary of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his brother, Aleksander, and the demand for their immediate release?