Links to the old web pages of KKE
Any kind of Greece’s involvement in imperialist plans must stop immediately!

In a comment on the dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE stresses the following:
“The dispatch of a Greek frigate to the Red Sea, under the pretext of the safety of maritime navigation and protection of merchant ships, involves the country even more deeply in the dangerous imperialist plans, which at this stage are directly linked to the support of the murderous policy of the Israeli state.
Both this mission and other missions of Greek warships in the Eastern Mediterranean and elsewhere, carried out in the framework of NATO operations, show the real purpose of the acquisition of warships and other armament programmes, which the Greek people are dearly paying for.
Greek ships or other military units have no business taking part in missionsthat have nothing to do with the defence of the country and the protection of its borders.Any kind of Greece’s involvement in imperialist plans must stop immediately!”