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Communist Party of Greece (KKE): Statement regarding the result of the U.S. Presidential Elections

On the occasion of the results of the U.S. Presidential elections the Press Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) issued the following statement:
"Both the political forces that today are celebrating the victory of Trump as well as those that are "weeping" about the fact that Clinton did not win, conceal that both the nominations represented exclusively the interests of US capital and will continue the reactionary, anti-people political line against the American people, as well as the dangerous warmongering policies against other peoples, especially in our region.
This is also borne out by the trend to reject both nominations, which was expressed in the pre-election period amongst the American people, as well as by the fact that the hopes in "Obama" ended in disappointment for large sections of the American people, immigrants, minorities etc.
The people will stop being trapped between "Scylla and Charybdis" when they chart their own course, for rupture with and the overthrow of the system which creates poverty, crises, wars"..