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D. Koutsoubas attended an event in memory of Fidel Castro

The GS of the CC of KKE Dimitris Koutsoubas, attended an event for the commemoration of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, marking the three-year anniversary of his death, in Athens on 24/11, organized under the auspices of the Cuban Embassy.
The GS of the CC of KKE, D. Koutsoubas, made the following statement:
"On the occasion of today's eventfor the three years since Fidel Castro's death, we would like to express our strong protest against the criminal embargo against the Cuban people by North American imperialism, which has been going on for many years.
We express our solidarity with a heroic people who fights with all his might to defend his homeland, for the welfare of the people, for the good of the people, the citizens of Cuba. "