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Démarche against the attempt to ban the Communist Party of Poland

The KKE made a démarche to the European Commission representation in Athens and the Polish embassy in Athens, against the new attempt to ban the Communist Party of Poland at the request of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Polish government.
In the démarche delivered by the KKE MEP Kostas Papadakis to the European Commission, it is noted: "The attempt of the Polish government to ban the CP of Poland as well as the methodical distortion of history are unacceptable. The EU also bears huge responsibilities, since the equation of the fascists - Nazis in the past and the present with those who fought against Nazism is an EU direction contained in anti-communist resolutions and declarations. This is a stance that encourages the action of the fascist-Nazi criminal formations".
The KKE MEP Lefteris Nikolaou-Alavanos, while delivering the démarche to the chargé d’affaires of the Polish embassy, Tomasz Wiśniewski, conveyed the strong protest of the KKE and the denouncement of the new attempt to ban the CP of Poland.
The charges brought against the Communist Party of Poland, that faced the court on Monday 21/12/2020, are based on the unacceptable legal framework of Poland that unhistorically equates socialism - communism with the monster of fascism. Invoking the statute of the Communist Party of Poland, they speak of an attempt to impose 'totalitarian and communist methods', despite the fact that in previous years the indictment collapsed and the CP of Poland was acquitted in court.
The KKE will continue and will intensify its action, demanding the end of the persecution against the Communist Party of Poland and guarantees for its unhindered participation in the social and political life of the country.