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Denounces the US - EU interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela

Denounces the US - EU interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela
Question to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, J. Borrell
The European Parliament Group of the KKE denounces the US interference and the EU involvement in the internal affairs of Venezuela, with its Question to the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, J. Borrell.More specifically, the MEP of the KKE Lefteris Nikolaou - Alavanos mentions in his Question the following:
“A few weeks have passed since the failed plan of a paramilitary, mercenary group to infiltrate Venezuela from Colombia and organise a coup against the country’s elected President.This operation against Venezuela had the support of the USA ̶ as was revealed by the arrested paramilitaries̶in cooperation with the coup d’état leader Guaidó, whom the EU has also recognized as the “interim president” of the country.
The situation between the USA and Venezuela is once again escalating with the focus now being on the 5 Iranian oil tankers that are setting sail for Venezuela.The US intentions are reflected in the statements of their military officials that are talking about a “worrying development” and “are looking at measures that can be taken in response to Iran's shipment of fuel to Venezuela”.
These are plans aiming at the overthrow of the elected President Nicolás Maduro and Venezuela’s government, to pave the way for the US - EU energy monopolies and their allies in the region to take control of the country’s rich deposits.The EU coordination with the USA, the interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela and the imposition of sanctions are targeting the people of the country, who are solely responsible for determining the social and political developments, without any foreign interventions or coup attempts.
How does the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/ Vice-President of the Commission view
- the US interference and the EU involvement in the internal affairs of Venezuela, the escalating US threats against the elected President and the people of Venezuela?
- the plan of mercenary-paramilitary groups to assassinate officials of the Maduro government, under the guidance of the Colombian government and in cooperation with the USA?”