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The aim is the more active involvement of the Balkan countries in imperialist plans

On the occasion of the informal EU-Western Balkans meeting held in Athens on 21/08/23, the Press Office of the CC of the KKE notes in its statement:
"The government's drumbeat accompanying the informal EU-Western Balkans meeting in Athens cannot hide the harsh reality of the intensifying anti-people policy and the brutal exploitation experienced by the peoples of the countries of the region.
Whether participating in the EU or being in a process of accession, the workers of the Balkan countries are facing the heavy consequences of the opening of new "avenues" of profitability for business groups in the framework of the so-called "Euro-Atlantic integration". This detrimental path for the peoples of the region was marked by the imperialist intervention of the EU and NATO that led to the dismemberment of the former Yugoslavia, with rivalries today becoming dangerously acute, making the government’s and the EU’s proclamations of “peace, stability and energy security” sound out of place.
The main goal of the meeting is the deeper and more active involvement of the Balkan countries in the imperialist plans and antagonisms and especially in the imperialist war in Ukraine. The New Democracy government is leading the way in achieving this goal by signing NATO "contracts" with Ukraine a few days ago regarding armaments and support with bases, enjoying the consent of all bourgeois parties. Moreover, it is in the context of these dangerous plans that the head of Ukraine's reactionary government, Zelenskiy, is taking part in the meeting.
Faced with these dangerous plans that the EU - NATO and the USA are preparing in competition with Russia and China, the peoples of the Balkans can oppose their independent struggle against any involvement and participation in the war plans of the imperialists, against any change of borders. They must strengthen their struggle against the exploiters and their system."