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The meeting of the Editorial Board of the “International Communist Review” took place in Athens on the 11th of December. ».
Issues related to the forthcoming 7th issue of the ICR, which is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the world historic event of the 20th century that left its mark on the course of humanity and was the inspiration for the development of the international communist movement, were discussed at the meeting.
The Editorial Board approved the editorial article, which amongst other things stresses that “The lessons of October guide the struggle of the communists all over the world even today, because communists see in the glory of October the realization of the historic mission of the working class. October reveals the irreplaceable role of the leading and guiding agent of the socialist revolution, the Communist Party, as a Party of the new type, relative to the compromised social-democratic parties. It reveals the strength of proletarian internationalism.”
The following comrades attended the meeting:
Cde Marina Pilajeva, member of the CC of the Hungarian Workers Party and responsible for International Relations, representing the journal "Szabadsag".
Cde Ultan Gillen, member of the Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland, editor of the journal “Think Left”.
Cde Alberto Lombardo, member of the PB of the CC of the CP, Italy.
Cde Ainur Kurmanov, Joint President of the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan.
Cde Pavel Cabrera Blanco, First Secretary of the CC of the CP of Mexico, representing the journal "El Comunista".
Cde Ilya Ferberov, Secretary for Ideological Work of the CC of the Russian Communist Workers’ Party, representing its journal "Sovetski Sojuz".
Cde Marjan Kubik, Responsible for International Relations of the New CP of Yugoslavia.
Cde Alexis Dorta, head of the Ideological Secretariat of the CP of the Peoples of Spain, representing the journal "Propuesta Comunista".
Cde Kemal Okuyan, First Secretary of the CC of the CP, Turkey representing the journal "Gelenek".
Cde Tamila Yabrova, President of the Union of Communists of Ukraine, Editor in Chief of the journal “Marxizm I sovremenost”.
Cde Carolus Wimmer, member of the PB and Secretary of International Relations of the CP of Venezuela, representing the journal "Debate Abierto".
Cdes Makis Papadopoulos, member of the CC and Head of the Ideological Committee of the CC of the KKE and Elisseos Vagenas, member of the CC and Responsible for the International Relations Section of the CC of the KKE, representing the journal of the KKE, "Kommounistiki Epitheorisi".
The representatives of the communist and workers parties, which participated in the Editorial Board of the ICR, met in a Athens a few days after the important general strike and expressed their solidarity with the working class of Greece, which gave a mass and militant answer through the strike of the 8th of December to the new anti-people plans of the SYRIZA-ANEL government, the EU and IMF.
At the same time, the representatives of the communist and workers parties denounced anti-communism and the measures of repression against the people’s struggles, expressed their solidarity with the communists of Ukraine, the Peace Association of Turkey, which was recently banned by the Turkish authorities, the anti-privatization militants in Kazakhstan who were imprisoned on the charge “inciting social hatred” and to all persecuted militants all over the world, who are struggling against capitalist barbarity.
They expressed their support for the activities that are expected to be organized by the RWCP in Russia for the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
The representatives of the communist and workers parties that participated in the meeting of the Editorial Board of the International Communist Review convey a message of class solidarity to the Venezuelan working class and the Communist Party of Venezuela on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the “Great Oil Strike” that began on the 14th of December 1936.
Finally, the representatives of the communist and workers parties, which participated in the meeting of the Editorial Board of the ICR, expressed their condolences to the communists and people of Cuba regarding the loss of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro. His revolutionary work will live on the historical memory of the people of the world, in the struggle against capitalist exploitation, imperialism, in the struggle for a just new society of socialism-communism. Hasta la victoria siempre.