Solidarity with the CP of Venezuela

The Press Office of the CC of the  KKE issued the following statement denouncing the criminal attack on the offices of the Communist Party and Communist Youth of Venezuela.

“The KKE denounces the anti-communist criminal attack with incendiary devices that took place at daybreak of the 21st of October against the building which contains offices of the CP of Venezuela and the headquarters of the Communist Youth in the Artigas district of Caracas. The attack could have caused human losses, as members of the CY were inside the building at the time.


The reactionary circles that believe they can intimidate and impede the activity of the communists with similar cowardly attacks are fooling themselves.


The KKE once again expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party and Communist Youth of Venezuela, the struggles of the working class and popular strata for their rights and in order to repel the undermining acts and reactionary plans that target the people of Venezuela. It demands the full investigation of the matter and the exposure and punishment of both the perpetrators and instigators.”