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Solidarity with the people and the communists of Syria

In an event held on Sunday 8 December in the city of Larissa, the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, made the following statement on the developments in Syria:
“It is no longer an exaggeration to say that we live in a world on fire. The great events that the KKE has been warning about and preparing the people for for years —when everyone else was reassuring them— are now upon us. Every day a new development from some corner of the world reminds us of the fact that the rivalries of the powerful, of the capitalists, of their imperialist alliances, have now reached such a point that they can no longer be resolved, nor can they be settled temporarily, in the way they have been done up to now.
The great impasses of the system are expressed internationally in all their splendour in the political, economic and military fields, with the victims always being the peoples. And the big bet is the attitude the peoples will take. Whether they will rush to the forefront and putt their stamp on developments, pushing them in the direction of radical, revolutionary changes, or whether they will remain at the mercy of their exploiters’ aspirations, with disastrous consequences (...).
In Syria, another hotbed of war has been ignited on the global chessboard of imperialist competition. We are witnessing yet another intervention that heralds new suffering for the Syrian people and the peoples of the region, new waves of refugees and possibly new border changes. On the one hand, the well-known ‘jihadists’ who have occupied Damascus with the direct military support of the US–NATO and Turkey, which is already occupying Syrian territory, and who, in this particular case, are called ‘rebels’ and ‘liberators’ by the Euro-Atlantic propaganda, and on the other hand, Israel, which is also launching its own attack. The Greek government, which is claimed to be vehemently opposed to revisionism, is now at a loss for words because all this is being carried out by its allies. The KKE expresses its solidarity with the people and the communists of Syria.”