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Solidarity with the struggling peoples and against the imperialist war on the territory of Ukraine

Solidarity with the struggling peoples
and against the imperialist war on the territory of Ukraine
With this Resolution, we, the participants in the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties held in Izmir on 20-22 October 2023, express our solidarity with the peoples who are confronted with the barbarity of capitalism, with class exploitation, with undemocratic bans and restrictions of trade union and political action, with imperialist interventions and wars.
We stand in solidarity:
- With the people of Cuba, who are fighting against the criminal blockade of the USA and the efforts of the imperialists to destroy the achievements of the Cuban Revolution;
- With the people of Palestine, who are experiencing the years-long Israeli criminal occupation, as well as the other peoples of the Middle East who are experiencing Israeli aggression;
- With the peoples of Europe, America, Asia and all other regions, who are taking to the streets and organizing mass strikes and other multifaceted mobilizations against the fact that historic workers’ achievements are being taken away and in defence of democratic, social and political workers’-people’s rights;
- With the peoples of Africa, who are facing imperialist interventions aiming to exploit the natural resources of their countries;
- With the people of Cyprus, Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, who long for a just ans sustainable solution, with the withdrawal of foreign troops, for an independent Cyprus with one sovereignty, one citizenship and one international personality, without foreign bases and troops, without foreign guarantors and protectors;
- With the people of Western Sahara, who are under Moroccan occupation;
- With the peoples of Turkey, Greece and other countries, who have recently experienced the lack of earthquake, flood and fire protection infrastructure due to the capitalist policies that sacrifice the needs of the people on the altar of profit;
- With the peoples of Ukraine and Russia, who are experiencing the consequences of a war that is being waged for the interests of the capitalists.
In particular, we want to stress that this war, which is waged on the territory of Ukraine, shedding the blood of two peoples who have lived and thrived together for decades building the new socialist society and who, with their guns in their hands, fought and defeated fascism —that the capitalist system gives rise to—, is based on the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
It is a war waged in the framework of capitalism for raw materials, energy, transport routes for commodities, means of production, geopolitical footing, etc.
It is a war waged by bourgeois classes, the bourgeoisie of Ukraine with the support of the US-NATO-EU on the one hand and the bourgeoisie of Russia, with the involvement of China etc. on the other.
It is a war utilized by the bourgeois classes to distort history and to attack the communist and labour movement and repress it, both in Ukraine and Russia, as well as in other countries.
It is an imperialist war, which may be generalized and lead other countries to bloodshed and the world to disaster due to nuclear weapons.
Workers must not place their trust in a “multipolar world” that will supposedly stop this or any other imperialist war and lead to a peaceful world without the overthrow of the capitalist system, which is the very cause of imperialist wars.
The communists struggle against the disorientation of the peoples and expose the pretexts used by both sides of the conflict to make the people choose sides!
The real question today is not the choice between US-EU-NATO and Russia-China. The real question is the choice between the people on the one hand and the monopolies and capitalism on the other. The workers’-people’s struggle will grow stronger with an independent line, away from all bourgeois and imperialist plans.
We call for an escalation of the struggle against the imperialist war!
We do not just stick to appeals for the need for a ceasefire or peace. We struggle against both old imperialist unions, such as NATO and the EU, whose decisions add fuel to the fire of war, and against new imperialist alliances that have emerged in recent years.
We struggle against foreign military bases, first and foremost of the USA, which have flooded the world, as well as against the sending of troops and weapons and the involvement of our countries in the imperialist conflict!
We support the struggle of the peoples against the monopolies, the bourgeois classes and the imperialist unions, for the overthrow of capitalism and the building of the new socialist-communist society, which will also mean the end of exploitation and wars.
Workers of all lands, unite!
Signed by
- Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
- Party of Labour of Austria
- Communist Party of Azerbaijan
- Brazilian Communist Party
- Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
- Communist Party of Denmark
- Communist Party of El Salvador
- Communist Revolutionary Party of France
- Revolutionary Party COMMUNISTES (France)
- Communist Party of Greece
- Communist Party of India
- Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
- The Workers’ Party of Ireland
- Communist Front (Italy)
- Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
- Communist Party of Mexico
- New Communist Party of the Netherlands
- Communist Party of Norway
- Communist Party of Pakistan
- Palestinian Communist Party
- Paraguayan Communist Party
- Philippines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
- Communist Party of the Workers' of Spain
- JVP Sri Lanka
- Communist Party of Sweden
- Swiss Communist Party
- Syrian Communist Party
- Union of Communists of Ukraine
- Communist Party of Turkey
The statement is open for further subscriptions