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Statement of the delegation of KKE in the European Parliament for the resolution on recognition of Palestine

The delegation of KKE in European Parliament, in the European Parliament plenary in Strasbourg, voted with serious reservations in favor of the resolution on "in principle recognition of Palestine statehood". The resolution does not include the demands of Palestinian people against Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and it does not satisfy the fair demands of Palestinian people.
In addition, in the resolution, the logic of equal distances is cultivated, while the right of Palestinian people to struggle in every way is restricted. At the same time, European Union is exculpated and delusions are created for its role.
KKE expresses its fully support for the struggle of Palestinian people and its continuation, demanding:
- The creation of an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian state, on the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its capital, close to Israel, the liberation of Palestinian people from the barbarity of the occupation forces, from the Israeli army.
- The recognition of the Palestinian state as a member-state of the UN. The recognition of the Palestinian state by the Greek parliament and by the Greek government.
- The ending of the settlements and the withdrawal of all the settlers that have established themselves beyond the 1967 borders
- The tearing down of the unacceptable wall in Jerusalem.
- The return of all the Palestinian refugees to their homes, on the basis of the relevant UN decisions.
- The lifting of the blockade against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
- The immediate liberation of all the Palestinian political prisoners in Israel
- The withdrawal of the Israeli army from all the occupied territories of 1967, including the Golan Heights and the Shebaa region in Southern Lebanon.