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Statement on the developments in Syria

The intervention in Syria and the domination of the jihadists is another link in the chain of the dangerous developments for the peoples that the imperialist powers of the USA, the EU, NATO, Turkey and Israel are carrying out in the wider Middle East region. It is a continuation of the ongoing massacre of the Palestinian people, the attacks on the Lebanese people and the targeting of Iran.
From the beginning, in 2011, the KKE has taken a consistent and firm position on the developments in Syria, exposing the dangerous changes that followed the so-called Arab Spring to the detriment of the peoples. Today, the same reactionary forces, “rebranded” by the NATO member state of Turkey, are dubbed “rebels” and presented by the bourgeois media as the “liberators” of the Syrian people. The same propaganda about “the restoration of democracy" is being repeated, which was the pretext of the imperialists for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc., and which today has turned the Middle East into a region in flames.
The KKE has made it clear that despite ideological and political differences with the bourgeois Syrian regime and the criticism of its policies, it condemns the plans of the USA, Israel and Turkey, which constitute interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.
The Syrian people are now paying the price of the capitalist path of development, the struggle between the imperialist powers for raw materials, pipelines and transport routes, military bases, geopolitical footholds and market shares.
The situation that is currently taking shape in Syria not only will not end the suffering of the peoples of the region, but also carries the risk of new imperialist wars and possible border changes, with new rounds of bloody conflicts and new waves of refugees.
The New Democracy government has welcomed the overthrow of Assad, i.e. the collapse of the country by the jihadists with the support of Turkey, Israel and the USA, and bears a great responsibility. It has welcomed the intervention of these forces in a foreign country, with all that this implies, in order not to disrupt the NATO line and the "peaceful waters" policy with Turkey. The hypocrisy of the government and the other pro-NATO parties is beyond all limits, because on the one hand they denounce 'revisionism' and on the other hand they legitimize it. This attitude is part of the dangerous policy of the government and the other pro-NATO parties, which are dragging the country into military adventurism in Ukraine, the Middle East and other regions of the world, where the interests of the capitalists of the Euro-Atlantic axis are at stake against the competing interests of the Eurasian axis that is being formed.
The KKE stands by the people and the communists of Syria and stresses that the struggle against the social impasses of poverty, the impoverishment of the peoples, the imperialist interventions and wars, in order to be effective, must target the system of capitalist exploitation and the monopolies that give rise to and reproduce these impasses.