Links to the old web pages of KKE

The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:


Statement on the developments in the Middle East

The Press Office of the CC of the KKE issued the following statement on the developments in the Middle East:

The missile attack launched by Iran against Israel in retaliation for the ongoing criminal actions of the Israeli state, with the support of the USA, NATO and the EU, is an expected development.

It confirms the course of events leading to a very dangerous escalation and generalization of the war in the Middle East and the wider region, which could take on even greater dimensions if Israel and its allies attack Iran.

The policy pursued by the state of Israel and the Netanyahu government is not only directed against other peoples but also against the Israeli people, turning them into a target for reprisals.

From the very first moment, the KKE has warned that Israel’s barbarity and genocide against the Palestinian people, the assassinations of political leaders, the bombings and the plan for a ground operation against Lebanon are further sharpening rivalries and opening the gates of hell for the peoples of the region.

In the face of these developments, the Greek government, which plays the role of the defender of Israeli crimes and actively participates in the US-NATO plans in support of Israel, bears enormous responsibilities and is leading the people and the country into a military involvement with unpredictable consequences.

The ND government has no mandate from the Greek people to participate in an imperialist war and support the occupier ofPalestinian and Lebanese territories followingthe ground operations in the sovereign state of Lebanon, leading the peoples of the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterraneanin general to bloodshed and suffering, and turning the Greek people into a target ofretaliation.

The Greek frigate dispatched to the Red Sea in the framework of the EU operation “Aspides”, which has been thrown into the lion’s den, must return home immediately. Any form of support by the Greek government to the murderous state of Israel must end. Greece must disengage from imperialist wars. The US-NATO bases and infrastructure must be closed down. Solidarity must be expressed with the peoples who shed their blood due to imperialist interventions and wars.

The peoples have the power to cancel these plans, to refuse to become cannon fodder for the imperialists and to defeat the system that gives rise to poverty, wars and refugees.

