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The Festival of KNE dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October of Revolution

The events of the 43rd Festival of KNE and its journal “Odigitis”, which is the largest political-cultural event in Greece, began in Piraeus on 24/6.
As Nikos Ambatielos, Secretary of the CC of KNE, stressed in his speech: “From here our party almost 99 years ago took its first steps, was founded as the child of necessity, as the mature child of a historical process that was accelerated by the Great October Socialist Revolution. As anyone can easily understand, our Festival could only have as its theme this year the world-historic event of the previous century, the revolution of 1917 in Russia, which swept away the exploiters of the people and shook the foundations of the world of exploitation and continues to light up the future.
Workers and young people all over the world and in Greece will absolutely correctly honour this as it deserves. With major political-cultural events, publications that have already began to be promoted in a multifaceted way. First of all, by increasing and intensifying our efforts, as the KKE and KNE, in order to disseminate the historical relevance and necessity of the struggle against the barbaric system of capitalism, of the struggle to construct the socialist-communist society, the society where there will be no exploitation of man by man, of the comprehensive preparation of the working class for this great goal, taking all the necessary measures.”