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The KKE expresses its solidarity with the struggling people of Kazakhstan

On October 19, 2017 a meeting of parliamentary delegations of the Greece - Kazakhstan Friendship group (from the Greek side) and the Kazakhstan - Greece Friendship Group (on the Kazakhstan side) took place in the Greek Parliament. Members of all political parties in the Greek Parliament participate in the Friendship Groups according to their parliamentary strength. Diamanto Manolakou, MP of the KKE, participated in the composition of this committee, while the members of the delegation of the Kazakh parliament were A. Tasbulatov and A. Konurov
During the meeting, the MP of the KKE stressed that the KKE is in favor of friendship and relations of equality between peoples. This is why the KKE always express its solidarity with the struggle of other peoples. What’s more, the Greek people themselves have enjoyed support and solidarity from other peoples at different periods, as was the case during the harsh years of the junta. Manolakou noted in her speech that important social and democratic rights are being restricted today in Kazakhstan: the KK Kazakhstan has been outlawed, actions of the Kazakhstan Socialist Movement that defend the popular interests are forbidden, those who fight back against the reactionary laws of the government are persecuted and thrown into prison, workers' mobilizations are violently suppressed, 400 trade unions have been banned on the basis of the new undemocratic trade union the law. The authorities are even destroying monuments of the heroes who fought and were killed in the battle with fascists during the Second World War.
The MP of the KKE stressed that our Euro-parliamentary group has denounced the above actions in the European Parliament. Moreover, Greek trade unions have submitted the following petition to the ambassador of Kazakhstan, demanding:
• End all incarcerations that are politically motivated
• Stop political and trade union persecution
• Guarantee the right to trade union organization, demonstrations, the right to strike
• Punish the real culprits of the murder of dozens of strikers in December 2011.
These demands – stated the MP of the KKE - we also submit to you today and ask that you present them to your government!
In an attempt to counter this reality, the representatives of the Kazakh parliamentary delegation invited the Greek MPs to Kazakhstan. To this invitation D. Manolakou replied; "Thanks for the invitation. We believe that when we come, we will be allowed to visit the imprisoned militants."