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The just struggle of the Palestinians is a source of inspiration for the people

The Press Office of the Central Committee of the KKE issued the following statement on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29/11):
"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the KKE expresses its full support of the continuing just struggle of the Palestinians, which inspires the just popular struggle of the workers around the world.
With the blessing of the US, EU, NATO and their allies, the aggression of the Israeli state in Palestine and the region intensifies. Painful "arrangements" are promoted via the so-called "Abraham Accords", at the expense of all the rights of the Palestinian people.
The Palestinian problem is being complicated within the vortex of competition between the United States, the European Union, China and Russia. Interventions for even more painful compromises are being amplified, and the need to strengthen the international solidarity and action against the Israeli occupation, imperialist interventions and bourgeois planning stands out.
The KKE calls on the people to continue to express even more actively their multifaceted solidarity with the Palestinian people, condemning the day-to-day crimes of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians. For:
- The end of the Israeli occupation and its consequences
- The creation of a single independent Palestinian state, with the city of East Jerusalem as its capital, at the 1967 borders, with the people masters of their homeland.
- The right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, in accordance with relevant UN decisions
- The immediate release of all Palestinian and other political prisoners held in Israeli prisons."