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The outrageous bill on the minimum wage must be withdrawn - 637 trade unions submit their own draft law, escalating their struggle

Trade unions and workers from the private and public sector organized a rally in Syntagma Square, on Wednesday 4 December, giving their own response to the bill with which the government adds another "mechanism" to the legislative framework, that cuts and freezes salaries, undermines Collective Labour Agreements and aligns labour rights with the needs of the monopolies' profitability. The outrageous bill of the New Democracy government provides for the abolition of collective bargaining and the determination of the minimum wage according to an algorithm based on the “competitiveness” of businesses.
"We respond in a militant way to the new anti-labour monstrosity on the minimum wage. The government and the Ministry of Labour must meet the demands of the trade unions immediately. Collective Agreements must be reinstated and the anti-labour laws must be abolished", the demonstrators demanded, stressing that more than 630 trade unions have united their voices by drawing up the relevant draft law, which the KKE supports.