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We condemn the Israeli attack on the West Bank

The KKE vehemently condemns the murderous state of Israel, which, with the backing of the USA and the EU, the New Democracy government and the bourgeois parties that support the so-called right of self-defence of the occupier, is escalating its criminal attack on the West Bank of the Palestinian territories, while continuing the genocide of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
The planned all-out offensive of the Israeli army in the West Bank, the razing of areas, the dozens of killings, injuries and arrests and the criminal actions of the settlers refute the pretexts used by Israel to justify the genocide in the Gaza Strip.
Israel’s main aim is to expel the Palestinian population from its territory, to stop the efforts to establish a Palestinian state on the borders that existed prior to 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to further strengthen its position in the region vis-à-vis other powers, which paves the way for a generalized war in the region, in line with Israeli and Euro-Atlantic plans and objectives.
What is needed now is an even more decisive popular condemnation of the Israeli crimes and mass solidarity with the Palestinian people in order to stop the government’s support for the murderous state of Israel and to break political, military and economic relations with it, to strengthen the struggle for a FREE PALESTINE.
ATHENS 29/08/2024