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D. Koutsoumpas: Turn your experience into a criterion for your vote and strengthen the KKE even more

Early in the morning of 21 June, the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, addressed a metalworkers’ gathering at the gate of the Shipbuilding and Repair Zone of Perama, one of the suburbs of Piraeus.
Dimitris Koutsoumbas referred to the strong ties of the KKE with the metalworkers, calling for a more decisive strengthening of the Party which is in the forefront of the Zone workers' struggles for wage increases and measures to protect their lives and health. More red ballots should be cast into the ballot box in the elections on June 25, he noted, calling on those who thought about it but did not do so in the previous elections to take this step now and vote for the KKE.
Sotiris Poulikogiannis, President of the Metal and Shipbuilding Industry Union of Greece and candidate of the KKEin Piraeus B electoral district, welcomed Dimitris Koutsoumbas and referred to the occupational accidents that occur in the Zone and the workers' demands for more inspections and for the implementation of the Collective Labour Agreement they signed after months of struggle led by the communists.