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On the 2023 Parliamentary Elections

All the News
- The KKE recorded a significant increase of 100,000 votes and 2.5% compared to 2019 (27.6.2023)
- Further increase of the KKE, which rose to 7.7% (26.6.2023)
- Hope - Strength - KKE: 100% people’s militant opposition (23.6.2023)
- D. Koutsoumpas: Turn your experience into a criterion for your vote and strengthen the KKE even more (21.6.2023)
- For the KKE the solution to the dilemma “it is either their profits or our lives” lies in the daily struggle to eliminate injustice and the laws that impose it (20.6.2023)
- A stronger KKE means greater struggles in the sweatshops of the tourism sector (14.6.2023)
- Denouncement of the dangerous games played by ND, SYRIZA and PASOK with the Muslim minority of Thrace (13.6.2023)
- No anti-popular government is omnipotent when faced with a stronger KKE (1.6.2023)
- Significant rise of the KKE, a hopeful message for the people (23.05.2023)
- DIMITRIS KOUTSOUMBAS: The vote for the KKE is a vote of hope and optimism to strengthen the struggle for a better life overall! (16.05.2023)
- DIMITRIS KOUTSOUMBAS: The only real positive outcome for the people is a much stronger KKE! (15.05.2023)
- Student elections 2023: Once again, communists came first in university student elections! (11.05.2023)
- We have a consistent front against fascism because we struggle against the system that gives rise to it (09.09.2023)
- Massive pre-election rallies of the KKE (08.05.2023)
- DIMITRIS KOUTSOUMBAS: Only the strength of the KKE will be the indicator of the people’s strength after the elections (08.05.2023)
- DIMITRIS KOUTSOUMBAS: With a stronger KKE, the heart of every leftist and progressive person will beat louder (05.05.2023)
- On the 21st of May you have at least... 10 reasons to vote for the KKE (05.05.2023)
- The KKE will not take part in anti-popular governments (28.04.2023)
- DIMITRIS KOUTSOUMBAS: Anger needs to be turned into hundreds of thousands of young people’s votes for the KKE (13.04.2023)
- Greeting speech of the Communist Party of Greece at the pre-election event of the Communist Party of Turkey in Ankara (11.04.2023)
- The first pre-election video of the KKE ahead of the parliamentary elections of 21 May (05.04.2023)
- On the scenarios about the formation of the next government (27.03.2023)
- D. Koutsoumbas: Hope lies in the struggle of the peoples (16.02.2023)
- MASS EVENT OF THE PARTY ORGANIZATION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA OF THE KKE: D. Koutsoumbas: The people must cancel the anti-popular plans! (30.01.2023)
- ND, SYRIZA, PASOK and the fascist Golden Dawn join common list in the elections of the Labour Centre of Pyrgos (27.01.2023)
- The people must censure bourgeois governments through their struggle and a strong KKE (26.01.2023)
- Spectacular concert of the KKE in honour of the composer Stavros Xarchakos (17.01.2023)
- Resolution of the CC of the KKE on the developments and the electoral battle