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The vote for the KKE is a vote of hope and optimism to strengthen the struggle for a better life overall!

On Monday 16/05, the GS of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas, delivered a speech at a mass political rally in Thessaloniki. An excerpt from his speech reads as follows:
“During this pre-election period, an optimistic message is emerging from all over Greece: There are many more people, who, with a clearer mind, draw broader conclusions; who understand that what we have experienced, especially in recent years, was not accidental. They see more clearly that everything that has hurt our people is connected by the same thread. More people are beginning to believe in their own power, to see that in order to improve our lives, it takes more than just looking for the least worst option that will ultimately turn out to be worse than the last one.
Everywhere we meet with tens of thousands of people, especially young people, who say that their dreams do not fit into a policy whose limits do not correspond to the potential of our time, but include "fiscal stability", goals for the "investment grade" and, above all, the many profits of the few!
It is up to us, together, to make a difference, to express all this concern, anger, indignation, questions about what can be done, in a clear choice: The ballot paper of the KKE!
Above all, a vote for the KKE is a vote of hope and optimism to strengthen the struggle for a better life overall. It is the only vote that will take the wind out of their sails and give uplift to the people in a more broadly manner. It is the ballot paper with the hammer and sickle of hope, pride and honesty. The ballot paper of the KKE.”